Example Stylesheets

A simple example script:

version 1.2;            /* All scripts start with "version" */

param $name = "Poe";    /* Script parameters with default values */

var $favorites := {     /* ":=" avoids RTFs */
    <name hidden="yes"> "Spillane";
    <name> "Doyle";     /* Creates elements and attributes */
    <name> "Poe";

main <out> {               /* A match template */
    /* Parameters are passed by name to templates */
    call test($elt = "author", $name);

template test ($name, $elt = "default") {
    for $this ($favorites/name) {
        if ($name == $this && not($this/@hidden)) {
            element $elt {
                copy-of .//author[name/last == $this];
        } else if ($name == $this) {
            message "Hidden: " _ $name;

The following sections contain examples converted from the libxslt test/ directory. The XSLT form can be found in the libxslt source code. They were converted using the “slaxproc” tool.


version 1.2;

ns fo = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format";

strip-space itemlist;
match doc {
    <doc> {

match orderedlist/listitem {
    <fo:list-item indent-start="2pi"> {
        <fo:list-item-label> {
            var $level = count(ancestor::orderedlist) mod 3;

            if ($level=1) {
                <number format="i">;

            } else if ($level=2) {
                <number format="a">;

            } else {
                <number format="1">;
            expr ". ";
        <fo:list-item-body> {


version 1.2;

ns "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/SVG-19990812.dtd";

output-method xml {
    indent "yes";
     media-type "image/svg";

main <svg width="3in" height="3in"> {
    <g style="stroke: #000000"> {
        /* draw the axes */
        <line x1="0" x2="150" y1="150" y2="150">;
        <line x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="150">;
        <text x="0" y="10"> "Revenue";
        <text x="150" y="165"> "Division";

        for-each (sales/division) {

            /* define some useful variables */
            /* the bar's x position */
            var $pos = (position()*40)-30;

            /* the bar's height */
            var $height = revenue*10;

            /* the rectangle */
            <rect x=$pos y=150 - $height
                  width="20" height=$height>;

            /* the text label */
            <text x=$pos y="165"> @id;

            /* the bar value */
            <text x=$pos y=145 - $height> revenue;


version 1.2;

output-method html {
    encoding "utf-8";

match measurement {
    var $m = {
        if (@fromunit == 'km') {
            expr . * 1000;

        } else if (@fromunit == 'm') {
            expr .;

        } else if (@fromunit == 'cm') {
            expr . * 0.01;

        } else if (@fromunit == 'mm') {
            expr . * 0.001;
    <measurement unit=@tounit> {
        if (@tounit == 'mi') {
            expr 0.00062137 * $m;

        } else if (@tounit == 'yd') {
            expr 1.09361 * $m;

        } else if (@tounit == 'ft') {
            expr 3.2808 * $m;

        } else if (@tounit == 'in') {
            expr 39.37 * $m;